Friday, November 6, 2009

Thankful 30 - #6

#6 I am thankful that my family is safe

After yesterday's tragic events in Ft. Hood, it really made me think how awful it could be to lose someone you love in the blink of an eye.  My hearts goes out to those families and they are in my prayers. 

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Thankful 30

I saw this on another person's blog and I thought it was a great idea! And another reason to keep me blogging! I know I am 5 days behind, so I will catch up today and then keep posting!
For the 30 days of November, I will post things I am thankful for...
As a disclaimer, these will be in no particular order of importance...

#1 I am thankful for Heath
I know it sounds so cheesy, but I love my husband! I am extremely thankful for him! He knows how to make me happy in any situation. He is a loving father and a great companion. He's easy on the eyes too :)

#2 I am thankful for Great Friends

I do not know where I would be in my life without great friends that stand by my side no matter what. I don't get to see some of my friends as often as I would like but I do hope they all know they hold a special place in my heart and I am so thankful for them.

#3 I am thankful that I am a mother

This child has made me who I am today. I never thought I could love anyone so much. He makes me smile even when I have had the worst day ever! I am so thankful that God has given me the opportunity to be a mommy!

#4 I am thankful to be able to provide for my family

In these hard times, I am so thankful to be able to have a job. I am also thankful that I love my job and everyone I work with.

#5 I am thankful for my family's health

We have been so blessed to all be healthy.

I read a blog not too long ago about a women that died 10 days after her child was born from cancer complications. She had fought breast cancer for almost a year, going through raditation while pregnant. She gave had to deliver early due to complications and then died 10 days later. Can you imagine? I know that the little girl's dad is a wonderful father just from reading the blog and my heart goes out to him for being so strong. Here is a link to the blog: It is a must read!

Thanks for reading and start your own "Thankful 30". It will really get you thinking about how many things you do have to be thankful for! Until tomorrow...


Monday, November 2, 2009

Long Overdue Update

I know I have not blogged in way too long. We have been super busy lately and it just fell off my to-do list!

Everything is just dandy!

Brayden has started going to "school" 4 days a week. He loves it. He even asks to go on the weekends. He has made a "best friend" at school, his name is Karson and I get asked everyday if Karson will be there and then when I pick him up al he talks about is Karson! It's so cute. Karson's mommy said he does the same about Brayden. It is so neat to see him form bonds with other kids.

He talks all the time and in complete sentences. He can count to 10 and we are slowly getting ABCs down. He loves to read and learn new things. For Halloween, we painted a spider shirt at Michaels. He had a blast!

Mommy and Daddy are great too! Just working and keeping up with our little man. We do get a chance to get out of the house every now and then to hang out with friends and do the things we love. This is always very important to us!

That's all for now. I plan on writing another blog later, after I get B down for a nap!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Gig 'Em Aggies!

It's football season! And this town is a buzzin!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

This Little Boy

This little boy makes my heart skip a beat each time I see his smile....
He is lovable, stubborn, polite, independent... He looks like his mommy and daddy...
He has a way of turning the worst day into the best...
He can turn almost anything into a toy and have the best time...
He is my world, my everything!

I love you, B!

"While we try to teach our children all about life, Our children teach us what life is all about."~Angela Schwindt

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

April Recap

Wow! It's been a busy month! Brayden turned 2, then it was Easter, wedding shower for a wedding I'm a bridesmaid for in May, we had good friends in town to visit, I changed jobs...whew I'm tired! This weekend should be pretty low key, I am not going to know what to do with myself.
Let's review...
Brayden turned 2 on April 5th. We had a party for him at our house. We do not have many friends with kiddos yet, so it was kind of an adult/kids party. He had a bounce house and it was cowboy themed. He had a blast and we are so gracious for all our friends and family that were able to make it. Now I have to figure out what to do with all these toys!
Easter was good. We went to Mimi's house, which is Heath's grandmother here in town. The family all came over and it was a great meal. Brayden made lots of money for his piggy bank in the egg hunt. She puts coins in all the eggs rather than candy. Thank goodness! He also made out pretty good from the Easter Bunny. He got lots of books and a refrigerator magnet toy.

It rained all weekend for Kristen's shower. The shower was good, her aunts did a great brunch and saved all of the bridesmaids from having to throw a shower. It was fun!
It was a good friend, Marty's 27th birthday weekend, so they came to CS to have a reunion with good friends. He and his fiance (that's weird to write!) Kristen stayed with us as well as my best friend Susan. We took B to my mom's so we could all have a kid free, adult only weekend! It was fun but I can't stay out like I used to! We miss having all of them here in CS to hang out with. I wish we were closer!
I made a decision to change jobs. Same career, different place. I am happy with my decision and it is way less stressful.

So, this is what The Koudelka's have been up to this month! Busy, busy, busy!

Have a great week and until next blog...

Friday, April 24, 2009

O hey...

I have been really bad at blogging lately, I will update soon!