Friday, March 20, 2009

He is definitely going on TWO!

Brayden is really showing that his 2nd birthday is approaching. He has become very vocal about everything and lets you know if he is not happy. He has this new thing of pointing and hissing (yes, hissing like a snake) when he doesn't like what you tell him to do, or NOT to do. It's actually quite amusing, but I know I cannot laugh because in turn that would reinforce his negative behavior. He normally gets sent to his room and then I laugh!

He also has become very independent the past few weeks. He wants to do everything for himself. Every time anyone tries to help him with anything he pushes your hand away and says, "I do it!" in a very matter-of-fact tone. I try to encourage this because I know he needs to be a big boy, but at 8am when i am trying to get to work on time, I don't have time to wait for him to figure out how to out on his jacket! So, I guess I am going to have to start getting up earlier to let the kid dress himself!

And last but definitely not least...THE CHILD LOCKED ME OUT OF THE HOUSE THIS WEEK! Yes, I know what you are thinking, but I promise I am not a horrible mother. I do not know how the little stinker managed to lock the DEAD BOLT of the back door when I stepped outside to feed the dog, but he did. I had opened the door, left it cracked to go right back in and as soon as I turned around, he shut and locked it! Heath was gone at work and I was stuck outside at 8pm with no cellphone, nothing! I tried everything I could to try to get him to unlock the door, but all he did was cry. I even tried to "break in" to the front door with anything I could find outside...that didn't work. So, I got a lawn chair and looked into the window at the top of our front door and talked to Brayden for about 20 minutes until Heath finally arrived home. I am so glad I didn't have dinner cooking or water running. And while I was running around like a crazy person in the midst of this, Brayden proceeded to sit on the couch and watch American Idol with an occasional whine that Mommy was stuck outside. So, needless to say, we will be finding somewhere to hide a key!

Monday, March 9, 2009

I'll try...

I am going totry to post some updates this week! Been SUPER busy!

